Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree...

Since we didn't put up a tree at all last year, I figured we would make up for it by putting the tree up early this year! (Excuse the white balance on these first pics...I didn't take them.) Here's the tree in process:
Bottoms Up!!!
Frank was TRILLED that we found a spot for the tree this year that didn't involve moving the recliner out of the den. Don't tell Frank, but I'm equally excited about that as I sit in said recliner as I type this post.

Caden helped my put the bulbs on the top section of the tree. Because it's a pre-lit tree and it has the "big" bulbs, the bulbs must be taken out of the sockets (?) for storage. It didn't really take as long as I remembered to put them in...good deal!! I store all of the bulbs in a box, and Caden brought it to me saying, "Look Mommy, it's Christmas...a whole box of it!"

I like how it feels on my toes!
When Caden got up from his nap, we were all finished with the tree. He was delighted! He kept saying "Christmas, Mommy, Christmas!"


No Flash: Ahh, how I love Christmas!!
And, for your viewing pleasure. Here's proof of why exersaucers have a weight/age limit. Notice that Caden's legs are completely folded up under him. NEVERMIND that he has a 0-3 month paci in his mouth...don't judge me! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My first Sippy Cup...

Grayson has been totally "in" to solid foods lately...his attitude toward the bottle is now "take it or leave it!" I decided that it might be time to introduce the sippy. He liked it as a chew toy. I'm not completely convince that he actually got any juice out of it.
He was distracted by something beautiful. Something that is delightful and trying to steal his attentions away from his new cup...
Something is calling his name...he's not gonna stand for this much longer...
Here's what he wants:
Oatmeal cereal and green peas...NASTY!
He LOVES it!
Now on a different note. I'm afraid the stomach bug (or some other not nice thing) has descended upon the Porterhouse. Caden has had fever since Sunday morning, so he stayed home on Monday. When Grayson and I got home from school, Grayson (NOT Caden!) started throwing up. Caden didn't want to be shown up, so at 4:45 this morning, he joined in the fun. Now Grayson is fine, but Caden just can't seem to shake it. Their sweet daddy is staying home with them again tomorrow. I'm SO blessed to have a husband who is willing to take care of vomiting boys.
Oh...and there's new stuff over at Apple of My Eye if you're interested.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Headquarters...

Here's your place for live election results as the come!!!
I am an election NUT!! I love to see the results roll in...maps, predictions, pie charts. It's thrilling!! Even if your candidate doesn't win, you just have to love a good old fashioned American Presidential Election!
More importantly, I know that regardless of the results, that God has a plan for America, and He can (and will) use whomever is elected in powerful ways!

Monday, November 3, 2008

More Swimming...

Since Grayson totally doesn't understand the time change, Caden and I have had more time to play together in the evenings just the 2 of us. Tonight, he wanted to "wash hands." This means he wanted to play with the water in the sink. I figured, let's just strip down and make bath night out of it. He had a ball!!!

He could sit and fill this cup and dump it out for HOURS...

Pretty sure his hand is on his hip for this one...

Fill the cup...

Cheesy grin...

Dump it out...

LOVE this kid!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Well, I would be a horrible blogger if I didn't bring you some pictures of my little Halloween babies, so here they are! We didn't really "Trick or Treat," but we did go to the Fall Fest at church, and we went to a couple of VIP houses on Halloween night.
In case you can't figure it out, Caden was Mickey and Grayson was a bumble bee.
Can you tell where my boys get the blue eyes???
Here's one of Caden enjoying the HUGE slide at Fall Fest. This little boy is fearless! He wasn't interested in the jumpy for kiddos his age, he wanted to hang with the big kids!
Here's the only attempt of a photo of the boys together at Fall Fest.
Cutest bumble bee I've ever seen!
And Mickey...