Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I LOVE this kid!!!

We were driving home this evening after a very long day. Caden had a pretend circus at school today (have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE his teacher!!!), we took the entire 5th grade to an M-Braves game today, and Caden went to the park with Honey, Papa, and Uncle Paul after school. We all met up at Chik-fil-a for dinner. Needless to say, we were all totally pooped by the time we were making the drive home. We were stopped at a stop light, and this is what I saw when I turned around. The glasses were from the "circus," and he had put them on all by himself. I love him so much!! This sight was exactly what my weary self needed to fun loving 2 year old! What a blessing!!! To take this pic I literally held the camera over my shoulder as I was pulling away from a stop light without looking back at him...he posed perfectly and even said, "Cheese!!"
This one was taken 10 minutes later when we arrived home...still had on the glasses. Notice his legs...he sits like this most of the time in the car. One leg propped, the other one crossed! I love him!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Uncle Paul comes to visit...

Paul came home this weekend, so we all got together for lunch today. We always like it when Uncle Paul comes to see us!!
Here is Uncle Paul with his Nephews...Mom and Mimi...

Mimi and Grayson...

Pop and Grayson...

And, for your veiwing pleasure, my new cute shoes...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Potties, Potties Everywhere...

Ms. Ima Sue has been practicing with Caden on the potty. He sits on it 3 times a day...he doesn't do anything on it, but at least he's sitting there! Baby steps, people!! So the other day, we went to Wal-Mart (EWWW) and got a potty of his very own. I don't think he quite understands the concept just yet...
Here's part of the potty as a bracelet...Here it is as a hat...

This is what it's supposed to look like! (and no, it's not normally on the coffee table...just while I was putting it together)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sweet Grayson Sleeping...

I put Grayson in his bed while I was bathing Caden. Now...don't worry, I don't normally put him down on his stomach, but I was checking on him regularly, and he really does prefer to be on his stomach. Don't report me! He was just so cute, I had to grab the camera for a little photo shoot...
I love that little bootie in the air!2 little lambs...

Another great bootie shot!

These are the simple days of life!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Color Fun...

Caden spotted his crayons this morning while we were playing around the house, so it was the perfect time for a little coloring fun!
He looks so serious!

Hmm...which one should I choose...

Black is his favorite crayon to eat at school. He's a very strange eater. He won't eat fruits or vegetables (except bananas), but he'll gladly eat dirt and crayons.

Ok...I'm ready to get down now!

This is how you get my child to smile for a picture...dangle the paci next to the camera!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Anatomy of a Saturday...

We LOVE Saturdays at our house. It's a day that (most of the time) we get to hang out as a family. I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse of what a Saturday might look like at our house...
They start with breakfast...waffles are one of Caden's favorites!What are waffles w/o syrup?? son's obsession.

This toy gets a lot of miles on Saturdays. He's been playing with it for a year and a half, and he still loves it!!

As the morning wears on, Caden starts getting VERY sleepy, so a nap is inevitable.

Grayson is relieved that Caden is asleep for a one is going to come and disturb the swing or steal the pacis.

Just liked this pic...

A little groggy from the 3 hour nap...with a little bed-head.

And, it's off to play some more!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

In Someone else's shoes...

Caden takes the phrase "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" very seriously!!
He can't seem to figure out how to get his own shoes on by himself (he can, however, get them off!), but mine seem to do just fine! LOVE IT!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Prayer request...

I don't remember how I got to this blog, but it has weighed heavy on my heart. Tomorrow at 4 pm, this mother will deliver her daughter who is not expected to live for more that a very little while (minutes, maybe hours). I cannot even fathom what she is going through. Her blog entries are very inspiring...God has definitely wrapped his arms around this family. Her husband is one of the singers of Selah (I absolutely LOVE their music), so I'm putting one of their songs at the end of this post. Click HERE to see their blog.

Birth Announcement...

And...(one is classic, one a bit more modern)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

How to make a baby mad...

These were taken as I was experimenting with the continuous shoot feature of the camera. Please excuse any odd color hues in all pictures in the near future because I'm experimenting with light, exposure, etc. It's a work in progress. Now, let me show you how to make a baby cry:
1. Start with a happy baby with his paci securely in place.2. Loosen the suction on paci.

3. Spit out paci.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

And the winner is...

The Nikon D40. It arrived yesterday in the mail, and I already LOVE it!! I'm sure that we will learn all sorts of things about it as we go along, but so far, I am very pleased!! I did lots and lots and lots of research, and I think that this is the camera that will best suit my family's needs. Don't expect the pics to be professional will be a work in process as I learn the camera. I'm so was just like Christmas when UPS came yesterday!!!

New Blog...

As some of you know, I love to bargain hunt. I LOVE to shop, and this allows me to shop on a budget. There are TONS of bargain blogs out there, so I decided that I would step out and start my own. It is in the very beginning stages, so don't expect much!!