We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt at church, and it was so much fun!!! It is always a little overwhelming, but it's totally worth it! Check out how HUGE that bunny is!! After we looked at the animals outside, we headed into the gym for snacks and crafts. My boys were WAY more interested in the snacks than the crafts!

Mommy feeding the munchkins...

My sweet OCD child carefully picking apart his snack cake. I would like to point out that he chose the white cake over the chocolate and water over fruit punch. THANK YOU, CADEN!!

Then there's this one. He's never done anything carefully in his life, and I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon!

"Hey mom, think I can fit the whole thing in there at once??"

Grayson hunted eggs first. Of course, it was more Frank picking up a couple of eggs for him.

Checking out the loot...

Then it was time for the "big kids" to hunt their eggs. Caden was totally into it!

Here's one...

Daddy was taking them a little further into the hunt area to look for more eggs.

"Hey dad, let's go over here!!"

I tried to get a pic of the boys with their baskets, and this is as good as it got! Well, I tried!