It has been a LONG 18 months, but all of Frank's work has come to fruition. He is now a 2nd Lieutenant in the MS Army National Guard. He is a Chaplain Candidate...I am SO proud of him! We had a ceremony at church (in the youth room) last night. A college friend of Frank's (Cpt. Andy Thaggard) came to administer the oath of office to Frank.
Disclaimer: Please excuse the nasty green hue in these photos. the room is LIME green...not forgiving!!

The ceremony was at regular youth time, so Frank took the time to share with the group.

The boys...

Frank with his parents...

Here is when he did his official commissioning at Joint Forces Headquarters earlier in the month.

The original swearing in...

Here is the video of Frank being sworn in, getting his patches (and punch!), and giving his first salute.
Here is a video of Frank receiving his first salute as an officer. One of Frank's former youth was able to come and do this...it was really special!