Guess what??!! I decided that it was time to blog. I know, I know...I've been a HORRENDOUS blogger, but I'll just pick up where we are. One of the boys' favorite things of the summer was swimming lessons. They both did great this year!!
Here's C striking a pose before heading off the diving board...

WEEEEE!!! Notice the perfectly tucked feet...too funny!! TOTALLY fits his little personality.

Here's C swimming the length of the pool after jumping off the diving board. He switched from back to stomach on command as he made his way across...

More swimming on the back...

And then, it was G's turn. He did MUCH better in swimming lessons this year. He was NOT a fan of getting his face wet last year, but he didn't seem to mind it too much this year.

He even went off the diving board. He's getting TOO big!!

Notice the NOT tucked feet...totally fits his personality too!

Swim, swim, swim, little fishie!!!

Here he is about to go and dive for some rings...

I may go back and add some posts from earlier in the year, but we'll see. I may just do a massive cell phone pic post!! But definitely stick around for some new posts, because a certain little someone in the Porterhouse starts Kindergarten NEXT WEEK!!! Wasn't he just born yesterday??