We went to Brookhaven today to see Dr. Braden, Caden's cardiologist. We weren't supposed to go back to see him until August, but he took Caden off of his blood pressure medicine a month ago, so he wanted to check him out. We got a great report! Nothing has improved, but nothing has gotten worse either, so, in our book, that's GREAT news. As Dr. B puts it, we're just "buying time" until open heart surgery, and I'm ok with buying as much time as humanly possible! If, God forbid, any of you ever need a pediatric cardiologist (or just know someone who does), please let me know. The doctor you choose really makes all the difference in the world. Of course, when you are thrown into this world of heart defects, you feel so overwhelmed that you can hardly process information. I had someone come along side me and help me make sense of everything, and I would be honored to be able to do the same for someone else. So, I just wanted to make myself available!!