Wednesday, September 5, 2007

School Days...

My poor child is NOT a morning person. He sorta stumbles around the house in the morning as we're trying to get him ready for school. He's still sweet, but he just doesn't quite understand what is going on! One of our morning battles is to fight the "bed-head". He always wakes up with wild man hair! Here are some pics from this morning...
How CUTE is this little guy!!!
The process begins...check out the back of his hair!

This is the look we call "Poindexter"
Lovin' Mommy in the morning!


JEff said...

What a handsome young man! I don't blame it for not liking mornings.

JEff said...

I mean him-Caden, not it, for not liking mornings. Being in choir practice for 2 hours plus planning a minor trip has caused my brain to hurt.

Tate Family said...

Poindexter?!?! LOVE IT!!! He is just too precious. You look great, by the way. Hope you're feeling well. Is it Thanksgiving break yet?!? Haha!

Cammie said...

emily fryant porter is one of the most beautiful women i know. and the child is lovely, wild hair or not! i love yall!

Anonymous said...

poor sweet baby boy! love the hair! and i love his little shoes too