Sunday, January 20, 2008

Making room for brother...

Sorry it's been a while since the last post...getting back into the swing of school and weekly doctor appointments are keeping us pretty busy!! This weekend, Frank and I have been have lots of fun (not really!!) cleaning out the spare room. It's amazing how much stuff can accumulate in an unused room! But it must be done so that our design team (a.k.a. Mom and Gale) can get started on the nursery because Grayson will be making his appearance before we know it!! I had an ultrasound on Thursday, and everything is looking right on track with Grayson. He is quite the active little booger which makes keeping him on the fetal monitor for 30 minutes a real adventure (I'm also doing this weekly at my appointments). Friday night we went to dinner with Papa and then to Lowe's to pick up a few things. This was Caden's first time to ride in the cool car cart. He thought it was quite fun...especially when he discovered that he could throw items from the diaper bag into the cart one by one!

Caden and I were going to venture back to church this weekend, but he has had a VERY gross nose. I don't want to be "that mother" who infects all of the other children in the nursery!! Maybe next week!! We haven't been since we were in the hospital in November...Mommy is REALLY missing it!!! So instead, Caden decided to take the new toy basket in the living room for a test drive. I think he approves!!


The Hanes said...

The pics are hilarious!!! Hope you are feeling ok. Won't be long now!!!!

Tate Family said...

Holy cow -- I just looked @ the Baby Grayson ticker...31 weeks already?? How can it be? :) Hang in there, Em...I remember how uncomfortable it gets from here on out. Praying for you!!