Grayson Lane
6 pounds 8 ounces
20 inches
1:29 p.m.
Yes, he arrived early, but we are SO glad to have this little angel here with us! I'll give you the picture overload first, and then I'll put the story at the bottom.
Here he is!!

Me visiting Grayson in the transition nursery...he had a little trouble with his breathing at first, but by 10:00 Friday night, he was fine.

Grayson and Mommy...

Caden meeting Grayson. I'm pretty sure that he sees Grayson simply as a paci dispenser. He has done REALLY well with him so far.

My sweet baby in his Moses Basket...a lifesaver!

Caden ready for school Monday morning...

Does life get any better than this??

I think that's a Frito in his mouth...this one just makes me giggle...

Forget the baby, I've got bubbles!!!

The sign on the door at the hospital...Thanks Gale!!

And now for some nursery pics that I promised earlier... for the story. I went to the doctor on Thursday for my weekly appointment. I was excited because we were going to set an induction date...I was thinking the first week of March or so. So I went in, had my lab work, got my weekly ultrasound, and then I waited for the doctor. She came in and looked at my chart. My blood pressure was a bit high (nothing much really), and she looked concerned. She decided to go ahead and check me...I was 3cm. Then, she said the unthinkable: "I'm going to go ahead and admit you." WHAT??? This can't be happening...Frank has D-Now this weekend! She said that they would just observe me for several hours and see what my labs were doing. So, I called Frank, and I headed downstairs to be admitted (my doc's office is at the hospital). When they got me all hooked up to everything downstairs, my blood pressure had gone way down, so that was no longer a concern. When my doc came down a couple of hours later to check on me, the blood pressure was great. HOWEVER...I had dilated to 4cm and was having regular contractions...WHAT???? So, obviously she couldn't send me home at 4cm, so we were there for the long haul. They broke my water the next morning, and Grayson entered the world at 1:29 that afternoon. I got to see him for a few minutes right after he was born, but then he started having some trouble breathing, so they kept him in the transitional nursery. But at 11:30 that night, they brought him back to me. We've had no problems since then, and we went home Sunday! God is SO good! No one deserves blessings this sweet...least of all me! Praise Him!!!!