Saturday, April 12, 2008

Anatomy of a Saturday...

We LOVE Saturdays at our house. It's a day that (most of the time) we get to hang out as a family. I thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse of what a Saturday might look like at our house...
They start with breakfast...waffles are one of Caden's favorites!What are waffles w/o syrup?? son's obsession.

This toy gets a lot of miles on Saturdays. He's been playing with it for a year and a half, and he still loves it!!

As the morning wears on, Caden starts getting VERY sleepy, so a nap is inevitable.

Grayson is relieved that Caden is asleep for a one is going to come and disturb the swing or steal the pacis.

Just liked this pic...

A little groggy from the 3 hour nap...with a little bed-head.

And, it's off to play some more!!


JEff said...

waffles are my favorite, too! i like them really crunchy with syrup and some sausage, too. i love saturdays, too! except this saturday jeff is out of town...enjoy your family day!

The Hanes said...

Love it!!! I think that Katie got that same toy as a gift. It's still in the box though. Glad to have a "user" review on it!!