Saturday, May 24, 2008
Lazy weekend...
Frank is out of town with his seniors at the beach...suffering for Christ!! He called last night when they got there, and he was telling me all about how awesome their condo is. He's residing in the "Mother-In-Law" apartment portion of the house. I hope he enjoys getting to sleep past 6am. He works really hard, so I'm glad that he is on this trip (Even though it is, technically, work, since it's just seniors, it should be relaxing). The boys and I are having a lazy laid back weekend. Last night we went to Chickfila and to the park. Today we've just been lounging around the house. I've been cleaning while Caden has played and Grayson just sits there...poor guy!! He really wants to get in on the action! Here's a picture of Caden with his puppies. I think he's getting his 2 year molars...he's been quite attached to the puppies the last couple of days!! He's so funny!! He's talking more and more everyday. His favorite work right now is "OK." It is his answer to almost everything. He is definitely our child in that he loves his nap. As he was finishing his lunch a little bit ago, he looked at me and said, "Night, Night??" I said, "Are you ready for a nap?" He answered, "Ok!!" So sweet!!
And then there is "Graybaby" as we often call him. Bless his sweet little laid back heart! I couldn't ask for an easier baby. Just keep him fed and dry, and he's a happy camper. Don't get me wrong, he does have his fussy moments, but he normally just wants to eat or cuddle, and I can handle both of those!!
And what do I do when I'm bored...take pictures in the mirror of course!! Isn't that what you do?? I had the camera out because my cute new strap came in the mail. You girls out there with SLRs need to get one of these cute straps. You can see a bit of it in this picture...
Here's a better picture of the strap. It came from Susie's Country Garden. She has some really cute stuff. And she has AWESOME taste in fabric (Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry...need I say more!!).
So, I'm trying to do some work with my pictures, so I downloaded the trial version of Photoshop. I'm totally LOST!! It has made me feel totally unintelligent. If you use Photoshop, please share some things that were helpful for you to figure things out!!!
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Maybe before Jacob gets here we could have a play date and a Photoshop lesson? I will have to try to get in touch with you after VBS!
Hey Em,
You need to check out this blog She works with photoshop and her blog will help you out with that.
Another great photo editing software is lightroom. You can get a 30-day trial version...I have no idea what their website is, but google lightroom and you should find it.
That sounds great! I'm working this Friday, but next week would be great. Would this coming Monday or Friday work for you?
And, we need to take a sewing class together! I have a growing group of girlfriends who sew! I'm dying to get Quilt Arts to do the weekender bag on an evening or Saturday afternoon and get all my buds together to take it. Like I need another bag...
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