Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fireplace-1; Caden-0...

Well, Caden officially got his first big boy goose egg today! He got into a fight with Mrs. Shan's fireplace, and the fireplace won...BIG TIME! He is fine, though, so don't worry! I'm sure that this will be the first of many many goose eggs to come. You can't really appreciate it in pictures, but it looks like he is hiding ping pong balls in his forehead. Here are some pics of the injury:
Here is a front shot...

This one is blurry, but you can see how far out the swelling goes...


Tomekia Porter said...

awwww my poor caden!

Anonymous said...

poor little guy! i hope he feels better soon!

JEff said...

I hope that his big bump goes away soon! That looks like it must have really hurt.