Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sorry for the lapse...

Wow...it's been a while since our last post!!! We got a little set back because Caden's stomach bug turned out to be some kind of parasite, so it took us a while to recover. He is also getting 2 molars right now, so his nap time has been cut DRASTICALLY short (which is my normal blogging time). He now seems to be back in the swing of things, so the Porter House is a happy place once again!! I have recently discovered that one of Caden's favorite things are the pieces of his breathing machine. He literally will sit in the floor of the kitchen for 30 minutes taking the pieces apart and then putting them back together. We laugh at him quite often because he is VERY VERY precise...all of the pieces MUST go together in a certain way. He's a HOOT!
Look at that precision!
This weekend we went with Aunt Kel to the Bass Pro shop. Caden really liked looking at the fish. There were so many new things for him to look at...I think he had a great time!

Learing Early...
I have a couple of new links on the side...be sure to check them out!


Anonymous said...

so sorry caden has been so sick! e-mail me, we need to get the boys together soon!!

Anonymous said...

there seems to be another link missing :) Guess Who?