Monday, July 21, 2008

Just like Mommy...

Those of you that know me well know that I can often be seen with a Diet Coke in my hand. Well, when I'm drinking my morning Diet Coke, I leave it on the kitchen counter where little hands cannot reach it (or so I thought). A couple of days ago I was changing Grayson's diaper, and I heard Caden. He was saying, "Juice, Juice!" When I walked out, he was coming toward me with an empty Diet Coke can, and this is what he looked like:
Life with boys is NEVER dull!!!!


Tate Family said...


laura said...

Amen to that last statement! Never dull...but lots of fun!!

Jenn Prather said...

OOOHHHH girl I have had this happen before.....I dont know if I was more mad that she grabbed it and spilled it or that she spilled the rest of my lAST diet coke!! HAHA