Sunday, September 28, 2008

My new fav...

This one is definitely my new favorite picture of Caden! Now for the background on what he was doing. We were playing out in the back yard a couple of days ago (FABULOUS weather!), and Caden went to get a toy out of this bucket. It had collected some rain water and was pretty dingy, so I got out the hose to wash it out and rinse all of the toys. While I was rinsing, Caden started playing in the water with some of his shovels and his watering can. I decided to put some clean water in the bucket to let Caden play with, and then I went in to bring Grayson out. When I came back outside, this is what I found. Caden was saying, "Mommy, I swimmin'!!" So of course, I went straight for the camera to capture it. I cannot believe how big my little man is getting!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Four Words...

Blonde Hair
Blue Eyes

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The kid needs his own space...

I think that Caden feels that his space is being invaded. He likes it when he can find a space that is all his (lots of time, this happens to be the "time out" corner). Here are just a couple of examples from the last couple of days...
Caden in Grayson's Bumbo...Caden hated the Bumbo when he was a baby, but now, it's a hit! The other day I had Grayson in the same spot in the Bumbo, then I decided to let him roll around on the floor. When I took him out of the Bumbo, it tipped over, so it was left upside down on the recliner...then I put G-baby on the ground. Caden then walked in the room, looked at the overturned seat, looked at Grayson now on the floor, ran to Grayson and said, "GrayBaby, You OK??? GrayBaby, What Happen??"And, Caden in his new carseat so G-baby can have his old one. Yes, I know he has a pink paci. I'm a girl surrounded by only boys...don't judge me!! :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kelli's Recipe Shower...

Today we had Kelli's Recipe Shower at Mom's house. It was so much fun!!! Here are some of the pics from the day...

This last one is quite random, but I liked it!