Caden in Grayson's Bumbo...Caden hated the Bumbo when he was a baby, but now, it's a hit! The other day I had Grayson in the same spot in the Bumbo, then I decided to let him roll around on the floor. When I took him out of the Bumbo, it tipped over, so it was left upside down on the recliner...then I put G-baby on the ground. Caden then walked in the room, looked at the overturned seat, looked at Grayson now on the floor, ran to Grayson and said, "GrayBaby, You OK??? GrayBaby, What Happen??"
And, Caden in his new carseat so G-baby can have his old one. Yes, I know he has a pink paci. I'm a girl surrounded by only boys...don't judge me!! :)

He is so cute!!!!
Cool...that is the same car seat I bought Katie. We're loving it!!
I see a paci...and suddenly I don't feel so bad.
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