This one is definitely my new favorite picture of Caden! Now for the background on what he was doing. We were playing out in the back yard a couple of days ago (FABULOUS weather!), and Caden went to get a toy out of this bucket. It had collected some rain water and was pretty dingy, so I got out the hose to wash it out and rinse all of the toys. While I was rinsing, Caden started playing in the water with some of his shovels and his watering can. I decided to put some clean water in the bucket to let Caden play with, and then I went in to bring Grayson out. When I came back outside, this is what I found. Caden was saying, "Mommy, I swimmin'!!" So of course, I went straight for the camera to capture it. I cannot believe how big my little man is getting!!
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