Well...RSV season is here, and it's already struck at the Porterhouse. Both boys were diagnosed today. Since Caden is older, it's not hitting him quite as hard, but poor sweet Grayson is really having a time. We will go back to the doctor tomorrow to have his oxygen levels checked again to make sure that he is holding steady.

These pictures were from a while back, but it's pretty much what our house has looked like today...and for several days to come I'm sure!
Oh My!!! Those poor babies!!! I hope they feel better soon!!! And you can get some rest too :)!
Love Ya'll - Brandi
My poor sweet boys! I hope y'all get better soon!
a.) The banner is too stinkin' cute!
b.) Grayson is getting soooooooooo big.
c.) I could eat Caden w/a spoon. Too adorable.
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