Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bad Blogger!!!

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've posted!!! I know I'm a HORRIBLE blogger! I hope that you will forgive me. Maybe you'll accept this cute pic of the boys as my penance?? Things have just been CRAZY busy around here...school, sicknesses, part time jobs...you name it, we've done it! Tonight I attempted our Christmas cards. We shall see how they turned out when I go to pick them up tomorrow. Caden was looking at me like I was nuts when I started dressing them up after dinner...that's usually when we put on jammies!
The boys are just growing up too fast, and that's all there is to it. Caden says something new everyday...he's so funny. Today, instead of napping at school, he would yell his teachers name (first and last no less!) and then say, "I NEED SOME BANANAAAAAAAAAS!!!!" That boy ain't right, but we love him anyway. He's gonna be a MESS!! He's definitely "all boy," and that's what all of his teachers (school, sunday school, mmo) tell me...too bad, I'm a teacher, and I know what that's code for! I'll just have to be sure to get them all very nice gifts...love covers a multitude of sins!
Grayson is steadily crawling...too bad it's backwards! Caden did the same thing, so we're thinking Grayson is going to figure out how to "put it in drive" any day now. He cut his first tooth last week, and he is babbling up a storm. We went for his 9 month appt a couple of weeks ago, and he failed his iron test miserably. When we went back for a retest a week later, it was fine, so now he's off formula and onto whole milk. We now easily go through 2 gallons of milk a week at our house. What am I going to do when they are teenagers??? We are also transitioning Graybaby to table food. Bless his heart, he LOVES food!! He literally trembles when you come near him with something that he things he's going to get to eat. Hey, what can I say, the kid loves life, and he's livin' it up!!
Ok...I've really got to go clean the kitchen. I'm going to try my hand at being a mother of 4 tomorrow. We're bringing 2 girls (4 yr old and a 9 week old) home from school so their mommy can get out a bit. Caden's going to LOVE it, but I'm not sure how Grayson is going to feel about his competition in the nursery coming home with us. It should be fun!!


mommy to many said...

i did the same thing, just a few days ago...that is attempted to take those christmas card pictures...i have to post some just for you... today we did the flu shot thing and to make it all better we started to make cookies for Christmas. give me couple of days and i will post those pix for you!!

Anonymous said...

I suppose that the absolutely adorable picture makes up for your lack of blogging! ;-)

Merry Christmas!!

Tate Family said...

Precious kiddos you have there, Em. Love those outfits.