WARNING: Mushy Post Ahead!!
May I just say that God has blessed me so very far beyond my imagination that I just can't wrap my brain around it!! I have 3 incredible boys in my life that He is letting me be blessed by everyday. They are all His creations, and I am so humbled that He has allowed them to be a huge part of my life...I praise Him for these boys daily. So, without further ado, here they are...Here is what Grayson and I spend a large portion of our day doing...
My sweet Grayson Lane...He is a precious little one. So tiny!! We laugh and call him our "little old man." He always grunts and groans...no cute little baby noises for him!

Look at those blue eyes...little girls watch out for this heart breaker!! (Of course, you'll have to get past his mama first!!) He is so cute at this age. Every time we get out the camera, he turns and says, "Cheese!!" So cute!

And what is there to say about this one??? My sweet sweet husband!! I know that he loves me more than words can describe, and I hope he knows that the feeling does not go unreturned. He is truly my very best friend!

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